GoTranscript Voice Recorder is a simple app to help you record your ideas, interviews or other events. After using it, you can easily send it to us to be transcribed. Price starts from $0.72 per minute.
You can find more information here:
About our GoTranscript service
We have a global staff of professional transcriptionists and editors. Our transcriptionists are highly-trained and must pass our certification processes.
We regularly review the work of our transcribers, our editors and our Customer Support team to ensure that we are providing the highest quality products and services found anywhere.
We have an extensive staff of technical experts. Many of our transcriptionists have a broad base of experience in our client's areas of expertise. Whether it's healthcare, high-tech, legal, education, media or any other type of industry, we match our professional experience with yours.
GoTranscript Voice Recorder adalah aplikasi sederhana untuk membantu Anda merekam ide-ide Anda, wawancara atau acara lainnya. Setelah menggunakannya, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengirim kepada kami untuk ditranskrip. Harga mulai dari $ 0.72 per menit.
Anda dapat menemukan informasi lebih lanjut di sini:
Tentang layanan GoTranscript kami
Kami memiliki staf global transcriptionists profesional dan editor. transcriptionists kami sangat terlatih dan harus lulus proses sertifikasi kami.
Kami secara teratur meninjau pekerjaan transcribers kami, editor dan tim Dukungan Pelanggan kami untuk memastikan bahwa kami menyediakan produk dengan kualitas terbaik dan layanan yang ditemukan di mana saja.
Kami memiliki staf yang luas dari para ahli teknis. Banyak transcriptionists kami memiliki dasar yang luas pengalaman di bidang klien kami keahlian. Apakah itu kesehatan, teknologi tinggi, hukum, pendidikan, media atau jenis lain dari industri, kami mencocokkan pengalaman profesional kami dengan Anda.
GoTranscript Voice Recorder is a simple app to help you record your ideas, interviews or other events. After using it, you can easily send it to us to be transcribed. Price starts from $0.72 per minute.
You can find more information here:
About our GoTranscript service
We have a global staff of professional transcriptionists and editors. Our transcriptionists are highly-trained and must pass our certification processes.
We regularly review the work of our transcribers, our editors and our Customer Support team to ensure that we are providing the highest quality products and services found anywhere.
We have an extensive staff of technical experts. Many of our transcriptionists have a broad base of experience in our client's areas of expertise. Whether it's healthcare, high-tech, legal, education, media or any other type of industry, we match our professional experience with yours.